• Séminaire,

Webinaire junior sur l'économie des migrations

Publié le 26 novembre 2020 Mis à jour le 26 novembre 2020
Le 30 novembre 2020 De 17:30 à 18:30
Informations complémentaires :17h30 CET - Zoom

Jaime Arellano-Bover

The Role of Firms in the Assimilation of Immigrants

avec  Shmuel San


This paper studies the role of firms in immigrants’ labor market assimilation. We do so in the context of a large and sudden international migration shock: the arrival of nearly one million former Soviet Union (FSU) Jews to Israel in the 1990s. We use newly avail- able Israeli population employer-employee data with information on workers’ place of birth and immigration year. Over the course of twenty-five years since arrival to Is- rael, immigrants gradually enter higher-paying, larger, older, and less segregated firms. Gradual access to higher-paying firms explains a significant fraction of immigrants’ labor market assimilation. Firm-specific pay premiums account for (i) 10–12% of the immigrant-native salary differential in the first ten years since arrival, and (ii) 28% of the gap between immigrants’ own salary one and twenty-five years since arrival. FSU immigrants, who were highly educated, surpass natives after twenty years in Israel in terms of their employers’ pay premiums, size, and age. An implication of our find- ings is that a significant fraction of the immigrant-native wage gap, especially shortly after arrival, is due to immigrants finding jobs at small, new, and disproportionately low-paying firms.
