• Séminaire,

Webinaire Junior sur l'économie des migrations

Publié le 7 juin 2021 Mis à jour le 7 juin 2021
Le 14 juin 2021 De 17:30 à 18:20
Informations complémentaires :5.30 pm CET

Luisa Hammer

EU Enlargement and (Temporary) Migration: Effects on Labour Market Outcomes in Germany

Coauteur : Matthias S. Hertweck


EU Eastern Enlargement elicited a rise in (temporary) labour market oriented immigration to Germany starting in May 2011. This paper quantifies the resulting labour market outcomes using administrative SIAB data (2005-2017). For this purpose, we classify EU immigrants into “new arrivals” and “stayers”, i.e. a (positively selected) subset of previous new arrivals who remain in the German labour market. This allows us to separately identify the short- and medium-run effects of recent EU immigration. We find a temporary negative wage effect among natives, particularly at the bottom of the wage distribution; and a permanent positive effect on native (full-time) employment.
