Room Pascal - 313
Financing Universal Health Coverage in Senegal: Impact Assessment and Policy Analysis
Financing Universal Health Coverage in Senegal: Impact Assessment and Policy Analysis
Martine Audibert, Research Director, CERDI, UCA
Mbaye Diène FASEG, Professor, Université Cheikh Anta Diop
Adama Diaw, Professor, Université Gaston Berger de Saint - Louis , Sénégal
Fouzi Mourji, Professor, FSJES - Aïn Chock, Université Hassan II , Casablanca, Maroc
Florence Jusot, Professor, Université Paris Dauphine, Paris
Senegal has launched a national strategic plan to extend universal health care and reach 70% coverage by 2022. This plan has three objectives: an enhancement of free health care initiatives, a reform of compulsory health insurance, and the development of community-based health insurance. This thesis comprises four chapters focusing on free health care programs (first and second chapters) and community-based health insurance (third chapter) on the one hand and the political economy of health financing reforms on the other hand (fourth chapter). The first chapter investigates inequalities in access to free health care for children under five. The second chapter has a particular focus on non-communicable diseases and analyses ethical principles of rationing dialysis care. The third chapter analyses the role of conditional cash transfers on community-based health insurance uptake and their impact on health service utilization and direct payments. The fourth chapter is a comparative analysis of health financing reforms undertaken in ten low and middle–income countries, including Senegal.
Financing of universal health coverage, free health care policies, noncommunicable disease, rationing, inequalities, community-based health insurance, analysis of health financing reforms, low and middle-income countries, Senegal.
Fatoumata Faye
Université Cheikh Anta Diop