The CERDI: an excellent working environment and a great team spirit
A fantastic working environment
The CERDI is located in the Pôle Tertiaire - La Rotonde, one of the Université Clermont Auvergne downtown campuses. The CERDI shares its building with the IDEM, the Institute of Law, Economics and Management and with the School of Economics, its main partners.
Thanks to the recent restoration of the building, working conditions are pleasant. The offices and meeting rooms are well-furnished. The team also enjoys a break room with a selection of journals to read and a well-equipped kitchen.
A takeaway CROUS stand and a university restaurant are in the building. There is also a garden with a picnic area to enjoy your break!
The UCA EURAXESS service provides guidance and counsel to the employees and their families settling in Auvergne.
A very active community
The Department Council discusses all the ongoing activities and related issues. The Department also organizes internal seminars to discuss their papers. The so-called Vialatte meetings bring together the team to talk and have lunch monthly. The unit uses these privileged moments to talk about research, of course, and other topics concerning the life of the department (working conditions, etc.).
Conferences and workshops attract researchers from all over the World. Some come back for a research seminar or to start new projects. Our researchers also participate in international research conferences and collaborate as experts in international institutions. New research projects regularly emerge from these encounters. The recent project, TEFISCON, a Franco-German program on taxation, was born this way.
The Academic library organizes cultural activities throughout the academic year. The aim is to promote the activities of the CERDI and the School of Economics.
The IDEM, the School of Economics and the UCA also organize numerous cultural and scientific events.
The academic library
The academic library gives access to scholarly resources: books, academic journals on economic development and related topics. The Academic librarians can also help you to explore the wealth of digital resources of the University library and the CNRS.
The academic library is a great place to work. It includes a working room, group working rooms, and a comfy reading space.
You can check the collections of books and periodicals in the catalog. You can log in to your account to check the status of your loans and more. You can also do your loans with your UCA id card on a self-issue machine.
More info
- UCA video presentation.
- Welcome to University of Clermont Auvergne.
- Quality of life in Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont Auvergne Métropole.