ECO DEV DOC is the documentary resources centre of CERDI, intended for PhD students and lecturer/researchers at CERDI, but also for students studying for their masters and degrees at the University of Clermont Auvergne Economics Department.

The collections kept in the centre reflect research themes in international development economics. Supported by both CERDI (Centre for Study and Research on International Development) and the Department of Economics of Clermont Auvergne University, the documentation centre provides the public with research papers, scientific journals, databases, and also documentary research tools.

Its online portal provides access to its catalog, news, and thematic monitoring.


The documentation centre provides group workspaces, reading rooms, workstations, and a printer available to students. The work tables are equipped with electrical outlets, and the WIFI network covers all the documentary spaces.

From September to April, the documentation centre hosts regular activities, exhibitions, and events.

How to borrow and reserve documents

The number of borrowable documents is unlimited, for 30 days, renewable once. A self-service loan machine is available to users, which requires a student or UCA card to function.

Don't know how to search and/or reserve a document on our online portail? You can watch this tutorial video to learn more.

Access to online resources

The documentation center provides CERDI students and members access to bundles of journals,
e-books, encyclopedias, and databases, both on-site and online.

Click here to find all the online resources provided by the UCA Library.
To access the resources, you need to be logged in with your reader account.

CERDI researchers and PhD students have access to BibCNRS, the CNRS portal for online documentary resources. You need to create or have a Janus account to access the portal. 

You can also access, via IP recognition, the articles from scientific and generalist journals that we subscribe to.

Need more information?

​​On-site: Two librarians are here to help users with their research. You can find them at the entrance and the back of the documentation centre.

Remotely: If you need more info about your reader account, document reservations and loans, access to digital resources, or other information, you can write to