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  • Seminar,

PhD seminar

Published on May 3, 2019 Updated on November 25, 2019
Le 10 May 2019 De 12:00 à 14:00
Pôle Tertiaire - Site La Rotonde - 26 avenue Léon Blum - 63000 Clermont-Ferrand
salle 210

Ali Compaoré, Humaira Pasha & Axelle Kéré

Economic Welfare and Education: Attain Education, Gain Voice. The contribution of educated single females in the society for economic welfare
Speaker: Humaira Pasha
Discussants: Simone Bertoli ou Martine Audibert & Muhammad Adil

The Effect of Income Inequality on Tax Revenue Dynamics
Speaker: Ali Compaoré
Discussants : Michaël Goujon & Bedhat Jean-Marc Atsebi

13h10 – 13h45
Giant oil discoveries, debt distress and diversification: evidence from Sub-Saharan countries
Speaker: Axelle Kéré
Discussants: Damien Cubizol & Bedhat Jean-Marc Atsebi