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  • Seminar,

Jenny Aker (Tufts University)

Published on November 18, 2019 Updated on November 25, 2019
Le 19 November 2019 De 11:15 à 12:30
Pôle tertiaire - Site La Rotonde - 26 avenue Léon Blum 63000 Clermont-Ferrand
Room 210

Let it Rain: What Drives the Adoption of Environmental Technologies in the Sahel?


While it is widely recognized that sustained yield improvements in areas with highly degraded soils require intensive agricultural practices, the sustained adoption of these techniques remains low.Using a randomized control trial of informational and income interventions in Niger, we find that both training and cash transfers significantly increase the extensive and intensive margin of adoption. In addition, we find large impacts of these interventions on agricultural production, asset and livestock ownership and household diet diversity in a country where soil degradation, agricultural production and diet diversity are among some of the worst in the world.While adoption drops off in the second year, there is no evidence of disadoption, and the training intervention alone is as effective as the intervention that combines training with cash transfers. Overall, these results suggest that simple information that can be cost-effective in improving welfare outcomes.