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Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo is joining the International Monetary Fund

Published on March 29, 2022 Updated on March 30, 2022

on the March 30, 2022

Congratulations to Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo for his selection into the IMF Economist Program (EP).

Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo is joining the IMF

Congratulations to Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo for his selection into the IMF Economist Program (EP).

Nestor already knows the institution where he was an intern in 2018. Earlier, he participated in the BCEAO's internship program. These two experiences reinforced his determination to work in international institutions and his interest in macroeconomic policy.

He completed his undergraduate studies at the Université Ouaga II and his Master's degree at the School of Economics, Université Clermont Auvergne. He achieved his Ph.D. in Economics at Cerdi; Jean-Louis Combes and Alexandru Minea supervised his doctorate.

Nestor is a macroeconomist who draws efficient fiscal policies that improve people's lives. He demonstrated in his Ph.D. thesis how budgetary rules can help reduce income inequalities in developing countries. He also showed that they guarantee these countries access to international capital markets, lower interest rates, and a well-rated sovereign debt. Likewise, Nestor investigated the effects of the fight against illegal financial flows on tax revenue.

Last year, he was selected by the World Bank to join the Office of the Chief Economist for the Africa Region, thanks to Nestor's outstanding academic achievement. He is conducting studies on trust in government and resources mobilization in Africa, the impact of China's trade deal on the diversification of African economies, and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).