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Noureini Sayouti and Harouna Kinda

Published on October 11, 2022 Updated on October 13, 2022
Le 13 October 2022 De 12:00 à 13:00
Pôle Tertiaire - Site La Rotonde - 26 avenue Léon Blum - 63000 Clermont-Ferrand. Room 212

PhD seminar

Predicting Resilience against Poverty with Machine Learning: Evidence from Nigeria

12.00 pm: Noureini Sayouti will present his draft paper on using predictive analytics to forecast poverty resilience. 

Noureini Sayouti is preparing a thesis on the impact of public policies on households' welfare in the Sahel under the supervision of Catherine Araujo Bonjean (CERDI) and Christophe Muller (Aix-Marseille University, AMSE).

Does financial development matter? The effect of private credit on illicit financial flows in natural resources-rich countries

12h30 pm: Harouna Kinda will talk about his research project on financial development. He is conducting this research with Aristide Affroumou, Aimé Bernard Lompo and Mouhamed Zerbo (CERDI). 

Harouna Kinda is currently writing a PhD thesis on tax policy and reform in developing countries. His research is supervised by Grégoire Rota-Graziosi (CERDI) and Fouzi Mourji (Hassan II University).