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Asylum policies and the distribution of applications
Published on June 2, 2022 – Updated on July 26, 2023
on the June 2, 2022
Focus on research. INSHS CNRS Info
Asylum policies and the distribution of applications
We provide empirical evidence about the effect of various dimensions of asylum policies on the distribution of asylum applications across European countries. A longer time for processing the applications reduces, on average, the number of first-time applications, but it increases applications originating from countries whose citizens have low chances of being granted refugee status.Read more on the INSHS CNRS website (in French)
Reference : Bertoli, S., Brücker, H., & Fernández-Huertas Moraga, J. (2022). Do applications respond to changes in asylum policies in European countries? Regional Science and Urban Economics, 93, 103771.
Simone Bertoli