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Leda Inga Charaja joins the CERDI

Published on September 10, 2024 Updated on September 23, 2024

Assistant professor

Leda Inga Charaja

Leda holds a PhD in Economics from Université du Luxembourg. Her main research interests lie in labor economics, policy evaluation, and, more broadly, applied microeconometrics.

Her current research focuses on the employment effects of low-cost policies to help the unemployed find work. In particular, she examines the potential role of transport subsidies in enhancing job finding and match quality for cash-constrained jobseekers.

Leda studied Economics at Universidad del Pacífico in her native Peru and later did a Research Master's in Economics at Université catholique de Louvain. During her PhD, she visited Université de Lausanne and Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona.

Leda is assistant professor at the CERDI. She joined the research centre and the School of Economics last year as a temporary lecturer.