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Job Market Seminars - March 2022

Published on January 28, 2022 Updated on March 3, 2022

on the January 28, 2022

The CERDI and the Ecole d’Economie are recruiting.

Job Market Seminars - March 2022

The CERDI and the Ecole d’Economie of the Université Clermont Auvergne invite young researchers in development economics and related fields to present their Job Market Paper in March 2022.

The CERDI and the Ecole d’Economie are currently recruiting:

  • One assistant professor (tenured); the position is open this year (recruitment in the Spring, and starting date of the position in September 2022);
  • Two two-year post-doctoral researchers (recruitment in the Spring, starting date no later than September 2022).

Researchers can send their:

  1. JMP;
  2. CV (or a link to their personal homepage).

to Èric Roca Fernández.
Proposals will be evaluated on a rolling basis until all available slots for the seminars are filled. All proposals submitted before February 20, 2022 will be given a full consideration.

Invited researchers will present their JMP in a 90-minute seminar at CERDI, and they will have the opportunity to interact with the faculties. Seminars will be held twice per week (on Tuesdays and on Thursdays), and the date will be agreed upon with each invited researcher.

Note that the formal recruitment procedure for the assistant professor position is independent from the Job Market Seminars at CERDI. The applications for the assistant professor position must be submitted via Galaxie, and the calendar of the applications is different from the one of the Job Market seminars. Being invited for a seminar is not a necessary condition for obtaining the assistant professor position.

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