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J-PAL Africa's Pre PhD seminar

Published on September 18, 2024 Updated on September 23, 2024
Le 10 October 2024 De 17:30 à 19:00
Informations complémentaires :3:30-5pm GMT+2

Simone Bertoli will provide information to future applicants

J-PAL Africa has initiated a webinar series on "Preparing for graduate study abroad for African students" to provide information and guidance on post graduate studies in development economics and public economy to prospective African students.

The CERDI is pleased to participate in the discussions and meet prospective students on 10 October 2024 during the third webinar “Putting together a successful application, Europe and UK edition”.

This meeting will be an excellent opportunity for aspiring candidates to ask questions on the application process and discuss their research project with Simone Bertoli, Head of Department at CERDI.

More info (J-PAL website)