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IMF Internship Program 2024: Four of our PhD students are selected this year

Published on June 7, 2024 Updated on June 14, 2024

on the June 7, 2024

Mariz Abdou, Idrissa Aladji Aya, Rachid Pafadnam and Sansan Kambou are starting their internship at the IMF this week

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) selects around fifty doctoral students in Economics for a three-month internship each year. The selected PhD students contribute to a current or a research question with IMF experts. 

Four of our PhD students are starting their internship in Washington this week: 
  • Mariz Abdou joined the Middle East and Central Asia (MCD) Department to study countries’ exposure to carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM).
  • Idrissa Aladji Aya analyses the economic repercussions of coups with the fragility team (FCS) at the African Department. He will also explore the factors affecting the economic impacts and how they interact. 
  • Sansan Kambou has been appointed to the Finance Department, General Resources (FINGR), where he will contribute to the analysis of the sovereign debt structure. He will examine two factors, the composition and ranking, that could influence payment defaults and debt restructuring.
  • Neerbewende Rachid Pafadnam joined the Africa Department's Regional Studies Division. He will work on debt stabilization and consolidation in Sub-Saharan Africa. 
Many of our graduates (Université Clermont Auvergne, CERDI) work for international institutions. Thirty or so are researchers/economists at the International Monetary Fund.

More information: IMF website.