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François Maworobi Ouattara just started an internship at the AfBD
Published on October 3, 2024 – Updated on October 3, 2024
on the October 3, 2024
François Maworobi Ouattara chose the international development bank to get practical research experience
François Maworobi Ouattara
Université Clermont Auvergne, CERDI
François Maworobi Ouattara, PhD student at the CERDI, Université Clermont Auvergne, recently started an internship at the African Development Bank Group (AfBD). This multinational bank funds and provides technical support to sustainable economic development and social improvement in the region.
François Maworobi Ouattara is appointed to the West Africa Regional Office (RDGW), where he will work under the supervision of Youssouf Koné, the Principal Regional Integration Coordinator, and Joseph Ribeiro, the Deputy Director General for West Africa. He will build a database on the regional socioeconomic indicators. He will also provide a literature review of the most recent research on the economic development of the region, with a focus on economic integration. Besides, he will contribute to the implementation of the ongoing regional cooperation strategy. He will also contribute to the bank's flagship report, the African Economic Outlook.
François Maworobi Ouattara holds a Master degree in public finance from the EcoleEcoCerdi, Université Clermont Auvergne. He is preparing a PhD thesis in economics under the supervision of Jean-François Brun (Université Clermont Auvergne, CERDI) and Mahamadou Diarra (Université de Koudougou). His research is centred around the financing of development in developing and transition countries. He studies the performance of tax policy, for that, he investigates the impact of international financial flows, the role of digitization and VAT.
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François Maworobi Ouattara, also contributes to a research project on tax gaps and financing the SDGs for the French Inter-ministry Exchange and Coordination Platform on the Mobilisation of Domestic Public Resources (MRIP) coordinated by the Ferdi.