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Elsa Gautrain, Michel Armel Ndayikeza and Jule Kaini Tinta
Salle 212
Ph.D. seminar
Marriage payments and migrations
11h00 : Elsa Gautrain will present her ongoing research on the link between migration and marriage costs. She is working with Hugues Champeaux and Karine Marazyan on this project.
Elsa Gautrain is writing a Ph.D. thesis on migrations, she is specifically exploring the relationship between the households in the departure countries and their family members abroad. She is also interested in gender issues.
She is working under the supervision of Simone Bertoli.
Experience and gender-related discrimination in recruitment: experimental evidence from Burundi
11h30 : Michel Armel Ndayikeza will explain his project on gender discrimination in the labor market in Burundi. He is collaborating with Luisa Cefala and Nicholas Swanson (UC Berkeley).
Michel Armel Ndayikeza is preparing his Ph.D. on youth unemployment in Burundiat the Cerdi under the supervision of Vianney Dequiedt et Francesca Marchetta.
How does digitalization improve non-resource tax revenue mobilization? Evidence from developing countries
12h00 : Jule Kaini Tinta will present his study on the payments digitalization and the modernization of the tax administration.
Jule Kaini Tinta is working under the supervision of Samuel Guérineau (Cerdi, UCA-CNRS-IRD) and Omer S. Combary (Université Ouaga II).
Elsa Gautrain
Michel Armel Ndayikeza
Jule Kaini Tinta