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  • Séminaire,

Hugues Champeaux (Université de Cagliari)

Publié le 5 juillet 2024 Mis à jour le 12 juillet 2024
Le 09 juillet 2024 De 12:15 à 13:15
Pôle Tertiaire - Site La Rotonde - 26 avenue Léon Blum - 63000 Clermont-Ferrand
Salle 212

Séminaire recherche. Measuring Norms and Enumerator Effects: Survey Method Matter

Hugues Champeaux
Université de Cagliari, Centro Ricerche Economiche Nord Sud

Coauteur : Pablo Álvarez-Aragón


While the process of data collection can lead to bias, little empirical evidence investigates the role of the survey method. In this paper, we compare two survey methods: the standard face-to-face interview and an alternative method we call in-group individual survey. In the latter, respondents are guided by an enumerator reading questions, but they answer privately on an electronic device. Taking advantage of an RCT in Benin, we randomize the survey method across respondents. We show that the survey method leads to different results depending on enumerator influence. Identifying this influence, we document that variables that are likely to be influenced by enumerators differ systematically across survey methods. Interestingly, these variables are mainly related to norms and opinions. We find that respondents who answer directly on an electronic device report less gender-equal values. Investigating the mechanisms, we show that social desirability bias more likely to affect responses in face-to-face interviews.