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Welcome to new CNRS research fellow Jules Gazeaud

Published on January 19, 2024 Updated on January 22, 2024

on the February 1, 2024

The CERDI is pleased to announce that Jules Gazeaud will soon join our research center as a CNRS research fellow.

The CERDI is pleased to announce that Jules Gazeaud will soon join our research centre as a CNRS research fellow. 

After obtaining a Master degree in development economics from the School of Economics of UCA, Jules defended his PhD thesis at the CERDI in October 2019, under the supervision of Catherine Araujo Bonjean and Vianney Dequiedt. At that time, his research focused on social protection policies in Sub-Saharan Africa.

During his thesis, Jules spent extensive periods in the field, particularly in the Comoros Islands, to study the impact of a social safety net program implemented by the Comorian government and the World Bank. 

Before joining the CNRS, Jules worked at J-PAL MENA (Middle East and North Africa) for 3 years at the American University in Cairo as a post-doctoral researcher. He also worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lisbon from 2020 to 2021, in the NOVAFRICA research centre.

His work is primarily centered on development economics, with a focus on studying social protection policies, migration and microfinance. He relies on economic theory, field experiments, as well as observational data to study questions at the intersection of these topics.