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Replication Games

Published on October 21, 2023 Updated on November 14, 2023
Le 24 October 2023 De 09:00 à 17:00
ENS de Lyon 

Two CERDI teams will participate in the 2023 Replications Games in Lyon

Two teams of CERDI's doctoral students will compete in the Replication Games on Tuesday, October 24, 2023.

This event, initiated by Cédric Chambru and Mathieu Couttenier, will bring researchers together to reproduce papers from top economic journals. 

CERDI will be represented by:
  • Idrissa Aladji Aya, Yannick Malalanirina, Rachid Pafadnam. 
  • Melchior Clerc, Adrien Gosselin-Pali, Eliot Wendling.
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