Published on February 12, 2024 Updated on February 12, 2024

Pierre Mandon
The World Bank Group

The team is pleased to welcome Pierre Mandon as a Research Fellow! Pierre is a Country Economist in the Macroeconomics, Trade, and Investment Global Practice Department at the World Bank Group in Washington, D.C.

His academic journey at the Université Clermont Auvergne

Pierre Mandon did all his student journey at the Université Clermont Auvergne. He obtained his Master's Degree in Economic Development at the Ecole d'Economie before joining the CERDI for his doctorate.

Research at the boundaries between macroeconomics and politics

First, he focused his work on political economy and fiscal policy using applied econometrics. In 2020, he wrote a book on direct democracy, sovereignty and classic republicanism. He co-authored several articles published in peer-reviewed journals like the Journal of Economic Surveys and World Development. His current research is based on innovative data and techniques to answer essential questions related to economic development.

Fruitful collaborations with CERDI's team members

During and after his PhD in economics, Pierre Mandon continued working with our researchers to address critical issues for economic development.

He co-wrote an article on political cycles and fiscal policy with Antoine Cazals (UCA-CERDI's Doctor 2016). This research was awarded the prestigious Vincent-and-Elinor-Ostrom Prize at the 2016 Public Choice Society Conference. He also worked with Martha Tesfaye Woldemichael (UCA-CERDI's Doctor 2018) on the impacts of Chinese aid for recipient countries.

He recently investigated the relationship between income shocks and local conflicts with Camille Laville (UCA-CERDI's Doctor 2021). He is working on the socioeconomic effects of the ongoing civil war in the Central African Republic with Vincent Nossek (FERDI, CERDI, UCA) and Tomi Diderot Sandjong (The World Bank Group). The paper is available in the World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series.

Check out his website to find out more about his research.