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How to develop and finance projects and development strategies "aligned with Agenda 2030"?

Published on May 15, 2020 Updated on June 3, 2020
Le 19 May 2020 De 16:00 à 17:30

IDGM webinar

This event is part of a series of webinars "Financing the 2030 Agenda in a vulnerable world", organised within the framework of the Initiative for Development and Global Governance (IDGM)

This first session provides an analysis of the approaches and methods to be developed to evaluate projects according to their full impact: how to make the 2030 Agenda the framework for future economic recovery plans and for the necessary structural changes? The coronavirus crisis indeed reveals the multiple and interrelated vulnerabilities of our societies: health systems, supply chains for basic necessities, social inequalities within and between countries, etc. The crisis has also highlighted the need to address the issue of the coronavirus. Beyond emergency responses, more structural responses are necessary.

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