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  • Seminar,

Kossivi Akoetey

Published on June 16, 2023 Updated on June 16, 2023
Le 22 June 2023 De 12:30 à 13:00
Unknown label
Room 212

PhD Seminar. Kossivi Akoetey will present his research project on the efficiency of health systems

Efficiency of health systems in developing countries: the case of the member countries of the Economic Community of West African States

Kossivi Akoetey

12 pm: Kossivi Akoetey will discuss his latest research on the efficiency of healthcare in developing countries. 

Anne Viallefont, Ekrame Boubtane (CERDI, UCA) and Mbaye Diene (Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, CRES) are supervising his PhD thesis. The aim of his PhD thesis is to determine the factors limiting access to health in ECOWAS member countries. Kossivi also evaluates the performance of healthcare systems and to formulate proposals to reduce inequalities in access to health care.