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  • Seminar,

James Allen IV (University of Michigan)

Published on January 5, 2023 Updated on January 15, 2023
Le 10 January 2023 De 15:00 à 16:15
Informations complémentaires :Online seminar

Pôle Tertiaire - Site La Rotonde - 26 avenue Léon Blum - 63000 Clermont-Ferrand
Room 432

Research seminar

Double-Booked: Effects of Overlap between School and Farming Calendars on Education and Child Labor


Across sub-Saharan Africa, countries with a greater percentage of overlapping days in their school and farming calendars also have lower primary school survival rates. In theory, greater overlap between the school and farming calendars should indeed reduce schooling investments, and farm-based child labor too, as it constrains the time allocation opportunity set for both   productive activities. I causally identify such effects by leveraging a four-month shift to the school calendar in Malawi that exogenously changed the number of days that the school calendar overlapped with specific crop calendars, which differentially affected communities based on their pre-policy crop allotments. Using panel data for school-aged children, I find that a 10-day increase in school calendar overlap during peak farming periods significantly decreases school advancement by 0.34 grades (one lost grade for every three children) and the share of children engaged in peak-period household farming by 11 percentage points after four years. Secondary analyses reveal stronger negative schooling impacts for girls and poorer households driven by overlap with the labor-intensive sowing period. A policy simulation illustrates that adapting thoe school calendar to minimize overlap with peak farming periods should increase school participation by better accommodating farm labor demand.