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  • Seminar,

Fawzi Banao

Published on January 28, 2022 Updated on January 28, 2022
Le 03 February 2022 De 12:45 à 13:45

PhD seminar. How do remittances impact domestic taxes revenues in countries affected by ethnic conflict?

How do remittances impact domestic taxes revenues in countries affected by ethnic conflict?


This paper analyzes the impact of remittances inflows and ethnic conflict onset on domestic taxes in African countries. We find a positive marginal effect of the onset of ethnic conflict on remittances impacts both direct and indirect taxes revenues. Indeed in countries affected by war, the government raises state capacity to levy more tax revenues. Consequently, the remittances inflows are more absorbed in domestic taxes revenues through direct and indirect taxes during the war. Also, our findings show that globalization improves the impact of remittances inflows on domestic taxes in countries affected by ethnic conflict.

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For more information on the Cerdi's PhD webinar series, please contact Sonia Schwartz.