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Carl Dalhammar (Lund University)
Online (Zoom)
Webinar on Circular Economy. Governance for Circular Business models and Circular Products
Governance for Circular Business models and Circular Products
This event is part of IN4ACT Webinar Series for researchers, organized by ERA Chair project Industry 4.0 impact on management practices and economics (IN4ACT).
Presenter: Dr. Manuel E. Morales, IN4ACT Researcher.
In this Webinar, Carl will discuss why we need governmental policies in order to move towards a Circular Economy. He will focus on European policies for circular products and circular business models. He will also provide a critical perspective on the Circular Economy, and the implications for governance. He will also discuss the different roles of citizens in this transition: as purchasers, maintainers, sharers etc.
Carl Dalhammar
Lund University