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26th INFER Annual Conference

Published on June 14, 2024 Updated on June 19, 2024
Du 17 June 2024 au 20 June 2024 De 09:00 à 17:00

Nos doctorants discuteront leurs travaux lors de la conférence annuelle du réseau INFER. 

The 26th INFER Annual Conference will be held from 18 to 20 June 2024 in Chania. INFER, the International Network for Economic Research coorganize this edition with the Technical University of Crete and the Harokopio University of Athens. 

Four of our PhD students will present their latest research:
  • Tiemele Aristide Affroumou, "(Re)understanding the relationship between Fiscal Decentralization and property tax revenue: Insights from developing and developed countries";
  • Denera Atanguegnima, "Immigration and Labor Market in West-Africa, Complementarity or Substitutability: Lessons from Togo";
  • Achille Sanou Kalo, "Do structural constraints influence rent-sharing? An overview of gold-producing countries in Africa";
  • Ismaël Ouedraogo, "Friendship is as Important as Neighborhood: The impact of Geopolitical Distance on Bilateral Trade". Cet article a été coécrit avec Ibrahim Nana (IFC, Société financière internationale, Banque mondiale).
Denera Atanguegnima will also discuss her paper on "Migration, Remittances and Financial Inclusion: What Do We Learn from African Countries?" in the framework of the  5th Symposium on Circular Economy and Sustainability (17-19 June 2024), an event held in conjunction with the INFER conference. 

More information on the conference website