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2023 Reimagining Climate Futures: A Dialogue on Circularity

Published on February 14, 2023 Updated on February 24, 2023
Du 21 February 2023 au 23 February 2023 à 09:00
Informations complémentaires :9:30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. PST

Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue - Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.

Mathieu Leporini is the Project Lead for CERDI of this on-going project on circularity and climate change

The CERDI is one of the partners of the project "2023 Reimagining Climate Futures: A Dialogue on Circularity" with the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, The Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), The French Embassy in Canada and The Simon Fraser University - The Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue.

Mathieu Leporini, Project Lead for the CERDI, works on this project with Hanna Guttorn (Université de Helsinki), Elodie Jacquet (SFU Centre for Dialogue) and Carole Zachs et Nastenka Calle (Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions Lead).

An interdisciplinary, intersectoral and intercultural group of academics, urbanists, public servants, elected officials and citizens will develop a framework for climate-readiness based on a circular model approach. Over two days, at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue in Vancouver, BC. This dialogue will bring together 100 participants: academics and researchers with interdisciplinary approaches to climate solutions, circularity and community engagement, representatives from different levels of government (local, provincial/regional, federal/national, Indigenous), representatives from various economic sectors, labour leaders, civil society organizations, artists, a representative sample of citizens.


Day 1 February 21: Full day from 9am to 4pm

  • 08:30 Registration opens
  • 09:00 Opening Ceremony, Indigenous Welcome, embodied exercise
  • Opening Remarks and Context Setting by hosts
  • Introduction of Witnessing (Indigenous practice for accountability)
  • 09:45 Circularity 101 - A short series of lightening presentations from different viewpoints
  • 10:20 Health Break
  • 10:30 Knowledge Exchange Open Space
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 1:00pm Afternoon Walk accompanied by Indigenous storytelling of Burrard Inlet
  • 2:00pm Plenary session: Interactive Visioning for Scaling Circular Models
  • 3:00pm Health Break
  • 3:15 pm Recap of key ideas heard during the day and reflection on points of intersection and collaboration
  • 3:40 pm Closing / Display of themes by graphic facilitators
  • 4:00 pm END

Day 2 February 22: Full day from 9am to 5pm

  • 8:30 Registration opens
  • 09:00 Welcome, embodied exercise, and Introduction to Proof of concept projects
  • 10:00 Circularity Applied: A series of lightening presentations on possible areas of application
  • 10:45 Health Break
  • 11:00 Open Space for small group collaboration: groups will pitch their proposal at the end
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 1:00 Recap and Introduction to Cross-Pollination
  • 2:00 Finalization of pitches by each small group
  • 2:30 Health break
  • 2:45 Gallery walk of all pitches and voting
  • 3:20 Plenary: Team shares the top 3 ideas collected and how these groups will be
  • supported over the coming year to further develop and test the idea
  • 3:45 Short closing ceremony - Witnesses offer one thing they will commit to sharing
  • 4:00 End

Phase 2 (February-September 2023) – 3 Working Group Roundtable

These roundtables will be convened by partners over the course of 6 months at the rate of 2 to 4 meetings. Each roundtable will bring together 10 to 20 participants from varied disciples and sectors.

Potential Phase 3 (2023/2024) – Developmental Evaluation and Reflection Dialogue

This one to two-day conference will revisit the results of the 2023 engagement and discussions. 

In-person registration

Online registration

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