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  • Seminar,

PhD seminar

Published on May 28, 2019 Updated on November 25, 2019
Le 06 June 2019 De 12:00 à 14:30
Pôle Tertiaire - Site La Rotonde - 26 avenue Léon Blum - 63000 Clermont-Ferrand
Room 210

Constantin Compaoré, Kodjo Adandohouin, Pegdewende Nestor Sawadogo & Claire Gaubert


Assessment of Public Spending Efficiency On Education Distribution: Evidence From Developing Countries
Speaker: Constantin Compaoré
Discussants: Jean-Louis Combes & Moulaye Bamba


Tax transition in developing countries: Do VAT and excises really work?
Speaker: Kodjo Adandohouin
Discussants: Jean-Louis Combes & Abdramane Camara


Assessing the effects of combating illicit financial flows on domestic tax revenue mobilization in developing countries
Speaker: Pegdewende Nestor Sawadogo
Discussants:  Claudio Araujo & Mahamady Ouedraogo

13h45- 14h20

Is there rural-to-urban migration following a sudden natural hazard? A Case Study on Wenchuan earthquake using Synthetic Control Method
Speaker: Claire Gaubert
Discussants: Claudio Araujo & Victor Stephane